Wednesday, September 25, 2019

IJWC participates in Global Collaboration Week

The International Junior Writers Club participated in the Global Collaboration Week on September 23-27, 2019 as a host of an event, "War on Drugs" Debate. This activity was a writing extension activity of students from Alternative Education Center, Odessa, TX  after they had integrated published Philippine drug war statistics into their math lesson on linear equations. The activity helped US students become aware of illegal drug issues in other parts of the world, addressing the global goal of peace, justice, and strong institution. Participants of "War on Drugs" Debate argued on whether or not they were in favor of the implementation of government-sponsored "War on Drugs" campaign and suggested ways on how to address illegal drug issues.

The Global Collaboration Week is one of the annual events of the Global Education Conference Network that is open to all schools and organizations all over the world. This year's Global Collaboration Week was attended by over 800 people and organizations representing more that 60 countries and more than 40 states, all collaborating on more than 40 projects and events. Check the following links for more info:

Global Collaboration Week Events in US Central Daylight Time Zone
Global Collaboration Week Event Listings
Global Collaboration Week Participating Schools and Organizations
"War on Drugs" Debate

Sunday, September 8, 2019

IJWC adviser completes Global Education 101

To enhance his expertise in global education, the adviser of the International Junior Writers Club participated in Global Education 101, an online course sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), with funding provided by the U.S. Government and administered by the International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX). The course objectives for educator participants included (1) define global competence and connect it to student success, (2) begin to understand the themes and concepts of global education and global competence, (3) develop instructional strategies to incorporate global competence into lessons and units, and (4) build resources for further learning and networking for global competence. The IJWC adviser shared with other participants what was done with the IJWC initiative to promote global education and competence.