Sunday, May 23, 2021

AEC donates used clothes to Asia

Alternative Education Center, Odessa, TX, shared its blessings by donating used clothes to a Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines. The package was sent to the Philippines through a cargo shipping service early this month. Principal Adam Portillo and Math Teacher Lacey Moore volunteered to donate each a bag of used but decent clothes. IJWC adviser bought clothes from Odessa's Door of Hope Outlet Center and some can goods to be included in the package. 

No poverty is the leading global sustainable development goal. Sharing blessings especially with poor countries like in Asia is one of the many ways we can help meet this global goal. By modeling it, students will see and apply the value of the noble and humanitarian gesture of sharing. Blessings to be shared do not need to be material or expensive as long as they come from the heart, wrapped with good intentions.